defining stuff (was Re: On the impossibility ...)

Ed Shaya eshaya at
Thu Feb 7 09:04:31 PST 2008

>> I also would not underestimate the number of times a term has 
>> multiple meanings.
> Indeed!
>> That is unacceptable for us.
> Why - and by "us", to what use case(s) are you referring - and what 
> are "we" (in this case, the architecture addressing all supported use 
> cases) going to do about it?
We have to break up a term into several or drop certain meanings.  This 
is where the definition is crucial.

image is both a noun and a verb, and there are two meaning of the noun, 
so we need three terms where there is now 1.
image - n. a photograph or digital representation of a scene obtained by 
a camera.
focal_image - n. the illusion of a scene created by the focusing of 
light by a lens or a camera.
image_act - v.  the act of creating a focal_image

Coma has 3 meanings that I can think of, but one, a prolonged state of 
unconsciousnous, we probably can survive without.  For the others we 
need to break into two:
comet_coma - the bright cloud containing the nucleus of  a comet and 
constituting a major portion of the head of a comet.
coma - a crescent shaped distortion to point sources in the focal_image 
of an optical system.

> - Rob

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