Beyond the draft proposal

Frederic Hessman hessman at
Mon Feb 4 13:35:13 PST 2008

> Before we start building a hierarchy of vocabularies, we should  
> assemble usage scenarios.  I suggest VOEvent is a good place to start.

In Seamanish: The sound of the event-driven hordes stampeding to the  
cooling waters of semantic vocabularies has been not unlike that of a  
dripping faucet.

> The usage above is likely to be something like PhotometricSystem =  
> "Johnson", Bandpass = "R", Value = "22.7 mag", etc.  Implicit is  
> that this is some kind of calibrated instrumental value.

I wasn't suggesting that I liked "JohnsonPhotometry" or "rMagnitude" -  
they came from the IAU thesaurus.  This does show that too many  
possibilities will be a pain: do I use Rob's system+bandpass+magnitude  
instead of IAU's system+rmagnitude?   Frankly, I'd generally prefer  
Rob's choice of terms.

Another sign that VOEvent could do us all a service by forcing down-to- 
earth solutions to down-to-earth problems.


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