Exposing OAI-PMH Metadata as Linked Data

Linde, A.E. ael13 at leicester.ac.uk
Thu Aug 7 04:16:47 PDT 2008

Looks interesting:

'Many institutions grant access to their metadata repositories
via the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Har-
vesting (OAI-PMH). However, this protocol has two signif-
cant drawbacks: it does not make its resources accessible via
dereferencable URIs, and it provides only restricted means
of selective access to metadata. The OAI2LOD Server han-
dles these shortcomings by republishing metadata originat-
ing from an OAI-PMH endpoint according to the principles
of Linked Data. As the ongoing OAI-ORE speci?cation pro-
cess shows, these principles are gaining growing importance
also in the digital libraries domain.'

at: http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/Vol-369/paper03.pdf

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