Astronomical vocabulary explorer

Alasdair Gray agray at
Wed Apr 30 02:04:58 PDT 2008


Here is a second attempt to send this mail to the semantics list, 
apologies if the first one finally makes it through for some reason.

To support the work on the Working Draft, "Vocabularies in the Virtual 
Observatory <>", I 
have developed a web service that:

   * Allows a user to search for concepts in the vocabularies by
     entering keywords
   * Navigate through the returned concepts and explore the
     relationships between the concepts

The service is available from

The service uses the five vocabularies 
published with the working draft together with one mapping file that 
relates the concepts of the A&A Keywords to the AOIM. The mapping file 
is available from

Any comments or feedback about the service is appreciated.

Best regards,


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