How to choose?

Tony Linde Tony.Linde at
Mon Sep 24 14:08:22 PDT 2007

Okay we seem to have equally good arguments from both sides of the fence:
a. develop vocab using SKOS and leave the ontology unless someone else wants
to do that in parallel, or
b. develop vocab using OWL and derive SKOS version.
It seems that more people, of those who are knowledgeable and care, prefer
the SKOS approach. My own gut feel still tends towards the OWL approach,
(not least because past experience indicates that whatever we choose will be
used for *everything*). But although I care, I don't class as knowledgeable.
Can some of those 'knowledgeable' people get together this week and really
thrash out the options - maybe each person who favours one side has to argue
for the other side. Otherwise, about all I can suggest is that we leave the
line open to arguments for the rest of this week and then call for a vote
next week - unless some miracle occurs
( and
consensus breaks out.
Any other ideas?
Tony Linde
Phone:  +44 (0)116 223 1292    Mobile: +44 (0)785 298 8840
Email:  Tony.Linde at
Project Manager, EuroVO VOTech 
Programme Manager, AstroGrid 
Chair, JISC U&I Workgroup
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