SV and Thesaurus - decide

Andrea Preite Martinez andrea.preitemartinez at
Fri Sep 21 01:20:53 PDT 2007

> sub-set officially. You can't build, from scratch, a list of words that
> describes everything everyone is doing at the moment, let alone in the
> future. It is fundamentally not possible to build a canonical and final
> list of "stuff" in a subject like ours, which deals with broad topics
> and changes on a fairly rapid time scale. Subjects that have done this
> face more bounded problem sets.

This is exactly the sense of my note at the bottom of the msg starting  
this thread.
But my note was on Movie B = *the* ultimate vocabulary, or thesaurus,  
or dictionary, in astronomy, which is not
(a) what was the request of the other WGs
(b) by no means tackled in the draft.
In the draft SV what you can find is "rotation" as indicating the  
spinning of something around an axis. You don't find, say,  "rotating  
galaxies" or "rotating asteroid". You can use that token "rotation" in  
a variety of different situations, from rotating galaxies to rotating  
asteroids, without the anguish to foresee all possible concepts in all  
possible contexts, as you have to do in a thesaurus.

> If you're going to go and build a framework where we can fit our own
> words and collaboratively create and manage a vocabulary to annotate
> and categorize our content then I vote YES. If what is being voted on
> here is going off and building a big list of words, I vote NO.
> Al.

I called for a decision on the draft SV: Doug and Rick have reminded  
us that at least 2 WGs need it. Practical use cases (like the basic  
ones I put in a recent msg) are not treated in the draft, so I assume  
that there is a request to edit the draft to include some. Perfect,  
this is why we are discussing the draft in the WG.
We have all the elements to take a decision.

I didn't call yet for a decision on the astronomical  
There are  basic questions asked by Tony on this second topic (for  
instance: who needs it and to do what) that are yet not answered at  
all. We certainly need to discuss more on this.


Andrea Preite Martinez                 andrea.preitemartinez at
IASF                                   Tel.IASF:+39.06.4993.4641
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100        Tel.CDS :+33.3.90242452
I-00133 Roma                           Cell.   :+39.320.43.15.383
                                        Skype   :andrea.preite.martinez

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