membership request

Andrea Preite Martinez andrea.preitemartinez at
Wed Sep 12 12:21:49 PDT 2007

Quoting Rob Seaman <seaman at>:

> Apparently being subscribed to this mailing list is not sufficient to
> be able to regard oneself as a member of the WG.

not to me, but formally you have to register. I just did it.

>> If you are interested in actively participating in the IVOA   
>> workgroup about semantics, please contact Andrea Preite Martinez.
> Andrea, please consider my application tendered - is there a hazing
> ritual?
No ritual, just ask!!

> I don't see any Semantics WG activities associated with the upcoming InterOp:
Right. I won't be there, but Sebastien (vice-chair and co-author of  
the document) will be there.


Andrea Preite Martinez                 andrea.preitemartinez at
IASF                                   Tel.IASF:+39.06.4993.4641
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100        Tel.CDS :+33.3.90242452
I-00133 Roma                           Cell.   :+39.320.43.15.383
                                        Skype   :andrea.preite.martinez

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