IAU thesaurus in RDF (an update)

Alasdair Gray agray at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Wed Oct 10 03:01:41 PDT 2007

The issue of individuals in a thesaurus raises all sorts of questions.

1.  Which do you include/exclude?

2.  What do you do about the ones that you have missed/not yet


There is also an issue about how to represent individuals in a

1.  Are they a concept?

2.  Should they only exist as part of a collection?


At the moment, I only have lots of questions about individuals and no
answers and I have spent several days mulling over these issues.







Alasdair J G Gray

Research Associate: Explicator Project

Computer Science, University of Glasgow

0141 330 6292



-----Original Message-----
From: owner-semantics at eso.org [mailto:owner-semantics at eso.org] On Behalf
Of Ed Shaya
Sent: 8 October 2007 15:16
To: Frederic V. Hessman; IVOA semantics
Subject: Re: IAU thesaurus in RDF (an update)




Someone asked if there needs to be Individuals.  This already has Sun,

Moon, Earth, Mars and others.  It turns out that there are a few that 

are needed because other terms are so related to them.  Although one

probably could substitute #spicules skos:related #stars for #spicules

skos:related #Sun, etc.  But, maybe we should have both.  But it is 

clear that one should have at least a few Individuals.


Talking about individuals.  There is a #velocity_of_light.  Do we need

velocity_of_light_in_vacuum to distinguish from in_medium?


infrared_radiation should have broader electromagnetic_radiation, as

ultraviolet_radiation has.  Is infrared_radiation synonymous with 

infrared_emission?  I don't see a way for SKOS to say SameAs.  How does 

one say iau:stars sameas cds:stars?










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