Vocab AND Ontology?

Ed Shaya eshaya at umd.edu
Tue Oct 9 09:02:50 PDT 2007

Frederic V. Hessman wrote:
> May I suggest that the state of the 
> Vocabulary/Thesaurus be fixed by the end of this week - last chance for 
> last-minute additions!  Whatever you can't find after that must not have 
> been very important.

Found 2 biggies.  There is extended_sources but not:
	point_sources alt unresolved_sources.

> Can we find appropriate mathematical
No ontology here.  But, if you just want a taxonomy, there is one in the 
MathML specification.  I attach it for you.

, physical
There are a bunch of physical ontologies from JPL that I used a bit, but 
  I think one has to pick and choose from it.
And there is the one that I worked on.

  and/or chemical

Sweet has elements in substance.owl.
just a list of the elements here:

Don't forget Geometry

There is geometry in SWEET.
But, I like this one:

> vocabularies out there?   We could unload a lot of baggage....   In the 
> long term, surely there will be available vocabularies for the semantic 
> web - everyone can't be expected to re-invent the circle or the 
> logarithm.  On the other hand, we don't want to use a vocabulary from 
> www.viagra.tv - doesn't the IVOA maintain any contacts to some 
> international Math/Physics/Chemistry/.... organizations?  Isn't there an 
> International Virtual Mathematics Chalkboard Association? or an 
> International Virtual Testtube Association?
> Rob's suggestion of splitting things into the original thesaurus (or at 
> least a corrected version of the old thesaurus - mixed cases, underbars, 
> and lots of tokens shifted into ALTs) and new additions would be a pain, 
> given the amount of cleaning up we've done, but if ya'll want it that 
> way and as long as it means that the WG makes a decision about how to 
> handle multiple vocabularies: ivorn formats, normative file formats, 
> suggested translation infrastructure (e.g. references to 
> math:ellipses).  If this will take too long, I vote for one giant 
> starting vocabulary based upon the IAU but with all the present 
> corrections/additions.
> Wait a minute - a great idea: wouldn't the IAU/IVOA thesaurus be a GREAT 
> place to put all the STC shortcuts?!   How else are we to know where to 
> find them?  Or create a STC shortcut vocabulary as a new, practical, and 
> exemplary example.
> On 8 Oct 2007, at 7:01 pm, Ed Shaya wrote:

>> Lyman alpha absorption system
>     "Lyman_alpha_forest" (exists, but needed to be NT 
> "absorption_line_systems")

Lyman_alpha_absorption_system broader absorption_line_system RT 
"quasars" "Lyman_alpha_forest"

>> L dwarf
>     ALT for "L_stars" (unlike "M_stars", which don't have to be dwarfs)
>> T dwarf
>     ALT for "T_stars" (Ibid.)

Trouble already.  Rob Olling, is in my office, and he insists that
L_dwarfs and T_dwarfs are simply not stars.  These are brown_dwarfs 
which are not stars.  For the sake of simplicity, I can see leaving such 
things as stars; including neutron stars, white dwarfs etc.  But, is 
this going to be acceptable to the IAU?  The argument is beginning to 
filter out into the hallway.

>> dark energy
>     "Dark_Energy" (exists)
dark_matter but Dark_Energy?

>> red clump
>     "red_giant_clump" BT "giant_branch" RT "metal-rich_stars"
Rob objects here too.  Red Clump stars are metal rich helium burning 
stars and therefore a kind of horizontal branch stars.   The term is 
>> red giant bump
>     "red_giant_bump" BT "giant_branch"
>> blue loop
>     "blue_loop" BT "giant_branch"

>> all of the photmetric systems (ie, Johnson filters (UBVRI) and other 
>> systems ubvgri, etc) (in a different namespace?)
> Ugh.  Might be more elegant, but since they're already in the IAU 
> thesaurus and VERY astronomical, we should leave them in.
> Rick
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
> Dr. Frederic V. Hessman     Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.DE
> Institut für Astrophysik          Tel.  +49-551-39-5052
> Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1         Fax +49-551-39-5043
> 37077 Goettingen                 Room F04-133
> http://www.Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.de/~hessman
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> MONET: a MOnitoring NEtwork of Telescopes
> http://monet.Uni-Goettingen.de
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