IAU thesaurus in RDF (an update)

Ed Shaya eshaya at umd.edu
Mon Oct 8 07:15:49 PDT 2007


	I suggest that the vocabulary contains only singular terms.  Right now 
it is inconsistent on this.  All of the star things are _stars, but many 
terms are singular like abundance, Alven_surface, age.
Perhaps there was some initial idea of having singular subject headings
and plural object classes, but this gets very muddy fast.  I don't see 
any real benefit in plural over singular, it is just an extra character 
or two.

#Stars only has bright_stars and Sun as narrower.  There should be much

"#Kelvin related temperature_scale", but it is a temperature_scale.
More exactly, it is an absolute_temperature_scale which is a
Hey, there is no Fahrenheit at all.  Was this an intentional slight?

"#terrestrial_radiation narrower atmospheric_radiation", but one now
sees atmospheric radiation on Jupiter etc, so I would say the relation
is reversed.

"#turbulence_Earth_atmosphere narrower microturbulence" and
"#turbulence_Earth_atmosphere narrower macroturbulence".
Not really.

"emission_line_star narrower shell_star".
Not really.  Shell stars have absorption lines from a shell of gas.
They could have emission lines as well, but that is not in the definition.

Someone asked if there needs to be Individuals.  This already has Sun,
Moon, Earth, Mars and others.  It turns out that there are a few that 
are needed because other terms are so related to them.  Although one
probably could substitute #spicules skos:related #stars for #spicules
skos:related #Sun, etc.  But, maybe we should have both.  But it is 
clear that one should have at least a few Individuals.

Talking about individuals.  There is a #velocity_of_light.  Do we need
velocity_of_light_in_vacuum to distinguish from in_medium?

infrared_radiation should have broader electromagnetic_radiation, as
ultraviolet_radiation has.  Is infrared_radiation synonymous with 
infrared_emission?  I don't see a way for SKOS to say SameAs.  How does 
one say iau:stars sameas cds:stars?


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