A murder of crows
Rob Seaman
seaman at noao.edu
Wed Nov 21 10:35:57 PST 2007
> a 'vocabulary' turns into a 'thesaurus' as soon as you add broader/
> narrower relations between the terms. Thus^2 whatever arguments
> there are for multiple vocabularies are also arguments for multiple
> thesauri.
So the actual thesaurus is an emergent structure consisting of the
whole stack of vocabularies? Zero thesauri would be fine by me.
(Even better than collective, plural, or singular is "null".)
> Those arguments are to do with audience (expert vs. non-expert) and
> previous investments (three important journals already have actual
> resources tagged with actual vocabulary items).
So there are a number of curated vocabularies, one of which (the "IAU
Thesaurus") is called a thesaurus, but is actually a vocabulary like
all the rest?
As far as audience, we should refer to our work products by names
designed to reach the non-experts. Experts will be able to use their
own inner thesauri to sort out issues of imprecise use of technical
nomemclature, while non-experts would only be be confused and turned
off on VO by having to use bizarre terms of crafts not their own.
- Rob
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