Format of tokens

Alasdair Gray agray at
Wed Nov 14 02:40:43 PST 2007

Hi Rick, Rob, All,


Again comments are in line preceded by AG


From: owner-semantics at [mailto:owner-semantics at] On Behalf
Of Frederic V. Hessman
Sent: 13 November 2007 17:55
To: Rob Seaman
Cc: IVOA semantics
Subject: Re: Format of tokens


		Why don't we simply apply for an obivous root URI like 




	I thought there were multiple vocabularies, but a single
thesaurus.  Also, isn't "" more user friendly?


No, we have more than one thesaurus coming out.   I generally don't like
checking spelling on-line, but Merriam-Webster says "thesauri" and
"thesauruses" (not to be confused with "thesauruseses") are OK.   I vote
for the shorter, simpler term "thesauri" (0.6 seamans) rather than
"thesaurueseseseseses" (10^3 seamans).

[AG] Sorry to potentially add more confusion on this, but we have also
been referring to these things as vocabularies.


	Now you all know how many beers you all owe me.


When next will you be in N.A. (North America, not "Non-Applicable")?
Could we have a show of hands of those planning to attend the "Practical
Semantics" workshop in February or the Trieste InterOp in May?


I'd love to, but hope to be in South Africa commissioning MONET/South in
February.  You're welcome to come on down and offer me a bottle of Cape


Don't know about InterOp.


[AG] I'd also love to be at the workshop in February but will not be
able to make it. I should be at the InterOp in May.

Next step?  It seems to me we should wrap this up as a note and then put
our tinfoil hats on and reach out to IAU Commission 5, mothership to
both IVOA and the IAU Thesaurus.  This should include contacting the
original authors for comment.  Engaging the IAU is as important as
settling these issues for our own internal usage.


Andrea has a Wiki setup for those wanting to contribute to the basic
vocabulary/thesaurus working draft. 


[AG] I believe that Norman was also doing some work on a Note, I am not
sure what progress he has made.


  I suggest we include IAU93 (finished?), UCD (getting there), and AOIM
(easy) as prepared example vocabularies which will work right out of the
box, since they are simple reformatted versions where no one can


[AG] I have already generated SKOS versions of

*         Astronomy and Astrophysics Keywords (AAkeys
<> )

*         Astronomical Outreach Imagery Metadata Vocabulary (AOIM
<> )

*         Universal Content Descriptors (UCD
<> )

These are all available from


  When IVOAT appears, we add the cross-referencing to IAU93, UCD and
AOIM and show how much more powerful this is than simply having separate
lists of tokens.


[AG] I agree that we will get increased power. We will need to decide
how to cross-reference the vocabularies/thesauri.





Alasdair J G Gray <> 

Research Associate: Explicator Project

Computer Science, University of Glasgow

0141 330 6292


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