missing skos:related terms in IVOA Thesaurus

Frederic V. Hessman Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.DE
Wed Nov 14 00:18:48 PST 2007

Another "oops" - I forgot to mirror the RT links automatically like  
I've done the BT's and NT's (frankly was mostly worrried about the  
latter, since they constitute a more formal ontological hierarchy).

I suppose this should be done?


On 14 Nov 2007, at 12:55 am, Douglas Burke wrote:

> Rick and Alasdair,
> I've been away on holiday for a week or so - enjoying the rain of  
> England
> - so I'm a bit behind the times on the lates with the IVOA  
> Thesaurus, so
> apologies if the following is known.
> In looking at the  Mon Nov 12 15:23:49 2007 version, I see that
>  IVOAT:EquationOfState skos:related IVOAT:Interactions
> but the inverse is not given (ie IVOAT:Interactions is only  
> skos:related
> to IVOAT:NuclearPhysics).
> If I get time tonight I'll try and do a systematic comparison of  
> all the
> relationships.
> Doug

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