Opening discussion on WD1.2 (Revised list of words)

Andrea Preite Martinez andrea.preitemartinez at
Wed Sep 6 06:22:19 PDT 2006

Dear All,

I'd like to open the discussion on the new version (WD v1.2 20060906)  
of the list of ucd-words (IVOA REC v1.11 20051231).
According to the procedure established for the maintenance of the  
list, a first period of discussion was allowed within the UCD-SciBoard  
(mid July - mid August). The proposed Requests For Modifications  
(RFMs) were published on the twiki page .

All proposals need to have an explicit answer (in particular if the  
RFM is not accepted). The answers were inserted after each RFM  
(globally for the global revision of the time-branch, in a separate TN  
at the end of the document).
On the basis of this, I revised the Recommendation Version 1.11 of 20051231 ,

generating a Working Draft of V1.2 that you can find:
- at the end of the above mentioned twiki page
- in our WG page
- in the IVOA Document repository (probably tomorrows)

The next steps will be:
- discussion of the WD 1.2 within the WG. I propose to keep it open at  
least till the end of September.
- re-editing of the WD, if/as necessary
- move the WD to PR and open a RFC period for the InterOp community  
(probably in October).
- propose to Exec Rec V1.2 of the list.


P.S.: some members of the SciBoard asked for a "verification"  
tool/web-service, able to tell you which ucd to use in case of doubt.

I pass the request to the UCD-TechBoard, but I think we have already a  
sort of verification tool, called "builder", at ,
although it is far for being perfect (because I'm an amateur  
programmer!!) and sometimes even contradictory (ex.: a catalogue is  
associated to meta.dataset, while RecV1.11 says meta.table=table,  

Other tools can be found at .

Andrea Preite Martinez                 andrea.preitemartinez at
IASF                                   Tel.IASF:+39.06.4993.4651
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100        Tel.CDS :+33.3.90242452
I-00133 Roma                           Cell.1  :+39.320.43.15.383
                                        Cell.2  :+39.

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