[Voevent-core] Fwd: standard vocabulary

Frederic V. "Rick" Hessman hessman at astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de
Mon May 15 23:28:45 PDT 2006

I, for one, knew that the AOI was working on a controlled vocabulary,  
but their agenda was always geared towards describing press-images  
rather than defining a general-purpose UCD-like proto-ontology.     
However, their approach is at least systematic, which isn't always  
true for what we've been discussing: both UCD's and the proposed  
standard vocabulary/VOConcepts tend to look like random collection of  
ideas which someday may be organized into an ontology.  Yes, I know:  
it's easy for AOI to be systematic when they limit their scope from  
the beginning (e.g. they don't have words for things which aren't  
easily shown in press-images).

The bottom line is that, yes, it would make sense to bring all of the  
vocabulary people together and to see if we can agree on a common  
basis.  My guess is that there's little chance, so Rob's idea of  
everyone having their own private vocabularies (e.g. VOEvent's "GRB"  
versus the UCD-like "process.burst;em.gamma" versus nothing yet for  
the AOI list) and the IVOA providing the standard vocabulary as the  
means of constructing conversion tables still sounds like the best  
path: everyone gets what they want and the IVOA gets a common  
standard which everyone can live with.   For example, adding standard  
vocabulary to the AOI list as a further column would be trivia and  
any missing elements would be a good sign of where the proposed  
standard vocabulary needs some additions.


On 15 May 2006, at 8:15 pm, Rob Seaman wrote:

> Anybody have a comment on this alternative for both RM and  
> controlled vocabulary?  IVOA must be maturing if it now has two  
> standards for every problem.  Think VOEvent needs only one.  But  
> which one?
> Rob
> ------
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Robert Hanisch <hanisch at stsci.edu>
>> Date: May 15, 2006 10:50:03 AM MST
>> To: <semantics at ivoa.net>
>> Subject: FW: standard vocabulary
>> Reply-To: Robert Hanisch <hanisch at stsci.edu>
>> ------ Forwarded Message
>> From: Robert Hanisch <hanisch at stsci.edu>
>> Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 13:47:05 -0400
>> To: Andrea Preite Martinez <andrea.preitemartinez at rm.iasf.cnr.it>
>> Conversation: standard vocabulary
>> Subject: standard vocabulary
>> Hi Andrea.  You might want to look at the document I posted to the  
>> agenda of
>> the Registry WG describing metadata for press release images.  The  
>> authors
>> of this document have also developed a standard vocabulary.
>> http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/InterOpMay2006ResReg/ 
>> AOIMetadata_final.pdf
>> Bob
>> ------ End of Forwarded Message

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