Coordinates in Astronomy.owl
Ed Shaya
eshaya at
Fri Jul 28 15:13:01 PDT 2006
I promised to discuss coordinates in an OWL ontology but I got deterred
big time. Here is my OWL description of Coordinates.
The syntax is triplets of:
Class Property ObjectOfProperty
We begin with some class inheritances:
EquatorialCoordinates isa Coordinates isa Position isa Location
Same for GalacticCoordinates, SuperGalacticCoordinates,
EclipticCoordinates, etc
RA isa CoordinateValue isa Component isa Quantity
Same for DEC, GLON, GLAT, SGL, SGB, X, Y, Z, etc
RightAscension isEquivalent RA
Declination isEquivalent DEC
RAhat isa UnitAngle isa Angle
UnitAngle isa AngularCoordinate isa Coordinate
Same for DEhat, Lonhat, etc
Xhat isa UnitDirection isa CartesianCoordinate isa Direction
UnitDirection isa Coordinate
CylindricalRadius isa Radius isa Coordinate
Same for Yhat, SGXhat, SGYhat, SGZhat, etc
EquatorialCoordinateSystem isa CoordinateSystem
Same for GalacticCoordinateSystem etc.
Origin isa Point isa Position
Now, some properties of relevant classes:
Coordinates hasQuantity CoordinateValue (multiple)
" inCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem (single)
CoordinateValue (has properties of Quantity: values, error, min, max, etc)
" of (owl:SomeValueFrom Coordinate) (single)
So, for instance:
X of Xhat means any X-value is in the Xhat direction.
RAhatJ2000 could be the Instance of RAhat that describes RAhat for the
particular EquatorialSystem J2000. And, RAJ2000 could be the subclass of
RA quantities with "of RAhatJ2000".
CoordinateSystem hasOrigin Origin (single)
" hasCoordinate Coordinate (multiple)
EquatorialCoordinateSystem hasEquinox Date
Direction fromPoint Point
" toPoint Point
Angle fromDirection Direction
" toDirection Direction
Point hasCoordinates Coordinates (single)
[Note Point isa Position but it hasCoordinates, even though Coordinates
isa Position as well]
I beleive this lets one set up a complete definition for any coordinate
system. For instance the GeocentricEquatorialSystem can be described as
an origin at the center of the Earth.
Have I forgotten about the issue of time? Position is a function of
time. No. Position in a coordinate system is the position in the
coordinate system. Objects may move through the coordinate system, so
time should be handled by the properties of PhysicalObjects.
PhysicalObject hasLocation PositionAtTime
PositionAtTime hasLocation Position (cardinality 1)
atTime Time (cardinality 1)
If you are interested in examples of RDF headers added to the VO_Catalog
to implement this for search, let me know and I will send them. Not for
the faint of heart.
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