Multi-conference report: VO and SW

Ed Shaya Edward.J.Shaya.1 at
Sun Dec 4 13:46:32 PST 2005


    Have you taken a look at the ontology that my group has put together?
with an OWLDoc output at

I am amused by your description of the Gene ontology.  I guess I should 
take your advice and begin to "push
and push until the rest of the community sees the benefit and joins in".

I will start on Monday.


Norman Gray wrote:

> Folks,
> I was at a fair range of conferences this year.  With the exception  
> of the Kyoto interop, none were about the VO explicitly, but in all  
> of them I found ideas or papers which seemed to bear directly on the  
> VO's semantic challenges.
> I've put together an account of these four meetings, partly for my  
> own benefit, to attempt to pull these various strands into a coherent  
> whole, but also in the hope that the pointers will be useful to  
> others.  The notes started off as a rather compact summary but... grew.
> The notes are at <>.  All  
> comments and suggestions are most welcome -- enjoy.
> All the best,
> Norman

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