Contect Interchange Mediation, etc.

Kirk Borne borne at
Fri Oct 4 05:23:41 PDT 2002

Hi.  FYI ...

Stuart Madnick (MIT) presented a very interesting talk at
NASA-Goddard this week on intelligent information aggregation.
Though he was speaking primarily from a business-world perspective,
there were many aspects of his talk that were very relevant to our
VO discussions, including aggregators and their related semantics.
What are aggregators?  Madnick said ....

   "Aggregators are entities that collect information from a 
    wide range of sources, with or without prior agreement, and 
    add value through post-aggregation services.  Major technical 
    challenges relate to the automated and intelligent integration
    of information.  New Web-page extraction tools, context sensitive 
    mediators, and agent technologies have greatly reduced the barriers 
    to constructing aggregators."

I found a list of papers by his MIT research group.  He mentioned 
one paper in particular -- "The Misguided Silver Bullet: What XML 
Will and Will NOT Do to Help Information Integration" -- which is 
paper number 111 on this interesting list of papers ...

There appear to be a few other interesting-looking papers on information
aggregation, semantics, ontologies, and taxonomies.

- Kirk
| Dr. Kirk D. Borne                  | mailto:Kirk.Borne at     |
| Institute for Science & Technology, Raytheon (IST at R)                     |
| NASA Goddard Space Flight Center   |                                     |
| Astrophysics Data Facility         | Phone: 301-286-0696                 |
| Code 631                           |     or 301-286-2772:Kathy Starling  |
| Greenbelt, MD  20771               | FAX:   301-286-1771                 |
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