VEP-016 date_role#ExportRequested

gilles landais gilles.landais at
Tue Mar 5 15:35:45 CET 2024


The BibVO note proposes a way to link articles with data published in 
the VO registry.
I like the idea to add a flag in VOregistry records to specify that a 
dataset could be harvested by bibliographic services.
For my point of view, it allows to filter relevant datasets in a huge 
amount of DOI resources. Relevant because the datasets are interoperable 
according to the IVOA framework and with a sustainable URL because it 
needs a DOI (see the BibVO requirement note).

So now for details (see also discussion in datacp mailing list).
Metadata in DOI and in VORegistry can evolve  - for instance, the 
landing page URL (in bibvo examples the JSON output don't use DOI URL).  
It sounds obvious that the bibliographic service needs to be aware of 
changes. So, if a new date is needed(?), it should be an "update" date 
such as the date @updated attribute in the registry.

More generally, BibVO proposes a JSON linking service independent of DOI 
metadata - To provide this service looks simple to implement, but it 
asks the data center to ensure that metadata in DOI and in the registry 
are consistent.
Date of update for instance, but also relations ships existing in DOI 
metadata and in the JSON service. Are there some advises on this point ?


Le 05/03/2024 à 09:38, Markus Demleitner via datacp a écrit :

> Dear Semantics, Dear Registry, Dear DCP,
> Apologies for this deluge (it's because we had a bit of a backlog),
> but there is another Registry-related VEP: the addition of
> date_role#ExportRequested, which comes in the context of the recent
> BibVO note
> (
> Here is its text:
>    Vocabulary:
>    Author: Markus Demleitner <msdemlei at>
>    Date: 2024-02-15
>    New Term: ExportRequested
>    Action: Addition
>    Label: Export Requested
>    Description: The date the publisher has requested non-VO bibliographic
> 	  services to pick up and index the metadata of the resource as per
> 	  the BibVO note.
>    Relationships:
>    Used-in: ivo://org.gavo.dc/gaia/s3/pub (or try
> 	  select ivoid from rr.res_date where value_role='exportrequested'
> 	  on your favourite RegTAP service)
>    Rationale:
> 	  Many resources in the VO Registry should not really be carried in
> 	  bibliographic services like the ADS; the proper way to credit them is
> 	  to cite the publications they accompany.  However, where resources do
> 	  not clearly belong to a (unique) publication, it may be a good idea to
> 	  encourage researchers to cite the VO resource itself, which means it
> 	  should be represented in bibliographic services.  Operators can
> 	  request that representation by obtaining a DOI for their VO resource
> 	  and setting a date with this role in the VO Registry.  See
> for more information.
> I'm a bit split as to where we ought to discuss this, but given its
> presumably wider circulation and the origin of the vocabulary, I'd
> suggest comments should be sent to registry at
> Thanks,
>             Markus

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