OAI publishing codes?

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Feb 26 08:40:28 CET 2024

Hi Tess,

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 09:52:23PM +0000, Jaffe, Tess  {she, they} (GSFC-6601) wrote:
> What do people use for their OAI publishing code?  HEASARC has been
> using something relatively old.  We should look into updating, so
> I’m looking for recommendations.

This is what I created https://github.com/ivoa/publishing-registry
for, and I'd again invite everyone who has publishable (or
not-so-publishable) code to contribute.

I'd still be in on collaborating a smallish piece of python/plain
WSGI to do the OAI-PMH part (as opposed to the VOResource-generating
part, which probably is too tied with the rest of the publishing
system to have much that is re-usable).



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