relatedResource/altIdentifer [was: VOResource PR #1]

gilles landais gilles.landais at
Fri Dec 9 11:03:08 CET 2022


> So... what if we defined relatedResource/altIdentifier as an element
> and said maxOccurs=1?  Do people already have use cases that would
> blow that up?

I don't see any reason to add more than 1 identifier for a single remote 
But multiple relations could be appropriate for other relationshipType 
like 'related-to' (ex: ivo://cds.vizier/J/AJ/161/36)

> And Gilles, are you available as a guinea pig to write records having
> such altIdentifiers?

I would like to add the original source as I did for the DOI of VizieR 
Gaia catalogues  -
It needs an additional metadata in VizieR (not ready yet) for a value 
which could be a DOI or a URL.
In any cases, this curation would be limited  to large dataset coming 
from space agencies.

> Thanks,
>                Markus

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