Facility and instrument terms in the different protocols

Tim Jenness TJenness at lsst.org
Thu Apr 28 00:26:36 CEST 2022

> On Apr 27, 2022, at 15:17, CresitelloDittmar, Mark <mdittmar at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
> The Dataset model uses a Party/Role relation to define the Facility itself.  This was a lean toward tie-in with Provenance, and while that may be overkill, it shows that this is definitely thinking of Facility as an Organization and not a piece of hardware.
> For space-based data, I can see 3 layers on this:
>    o The organization overseeing/controlling the observation (CXC Operations Center)
>    o The hardware/telescope (Chandra X-Ray Observatory)
>    o The instrument/detector (ACIS or HRC)

Doesn’t ground-based data have the same three layers?  Rubin Observatory operates the Simonyi Telescope using the LSSTCam instrument. Similarly NOIRLab operating Gemini etc.

Tim Jenness

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