Issue with discovering a TAP service in the RR

Laurent Michel laurent.michel at
Fri Oct 22 16:07:07 CEST 2021


We are working with Cyril, an intern, on improving the service search facility
in TAPHandle.

Skipping the details of our implementation, which will be demonstrated at
next Interop (Apps), we would like to raise a problem we have to deal with:

The use case:
1- I select some resources and I got one very interesting
    with e.g. an ivoid=ivo://

2- I want to search the TAP service with ivoid=ivo://
    I can connect to

3- For this I search all TAP capabilities attached to this resource by using
    the joins as declared in the GAVO RR TAP_SCHEMA:

     SELECT  TOP 100    rr.capability.*, rr.interface.*
     FROM rr.capability
     JOIN rr.interface ON rr.interface.ivoid = rr.capability.ivoid
     WHERE rr.capability.ivoid like 'ivo://'
          AND rr.capability.standard_id = 'ivo://'

     I get 8 different URLs

The problem:
     I do  not see how can I identify the TAP service I can
     connect ( in fact) since all are
     declared as ivo://

     Note that the problem goes out if I'm using NATUARL JOIN because it turns out that
     only the last row is selected in that case

Is that a registration issue, a RR flaw or a misunderstanding from our side?


Laurent, Cyril

English version: https: //

Laurent Michel
SSC XMM-Newton
Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 24 37
Fax : +33 (0)3 )3 68 85 24 32
Université de Strasbourg <>
Observatoire Astronomique
11 Rue de l'Université
F - 67200 Strasbourg
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