RegTAP bug with delimited column identifiers

Patrick Dowler pdowler.cadc at
Fri Aug 20 19:35:17 CEST 2021

I agree that table_name cannot feasibly be modified from whatever the
provider specified and shouldn't have been in that list.
It's a bug ... erratum.

You might even note/warn that if the table_name (and column_name(s)
elsewhere?) are delimited the RegTAP implementor has to take care to
preserve the delimiters as well, if that's not stated already.

Patrick Dowler
Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Victoria, BC, Canada

On Thu, 5 Aug 2021 at 05:15, Markus Demleitner <
msdemlei at> wrote:

> Dear Registry,
> ADQL delimited identifiers are a pain.
> My old mantra just became underscored right now while I was adding a
> get_tables method to pyVO's registry interface.  That pulls table
> metadata from rr.res_table and rr.table_column.  And breaks hard on
> VizieR.
> You see, RegTAP in sect. 8.6 says:
>   The following columns MUST be lowercased during ingestion: ivoid,
>   table_name, table_type, table_utype.
> In the presence of SQL delimited identifiers, blindly lowercasing
> table_name is wrong and actively breaks things.  For instance, VizieR
> has a table J/A+A/437/789/table2; once that's lowercased, it requires
> a lot of VizieR knowledge to recover that form.
> But to write a query you need that exact form because to get away
> with that alphabet soup as a table name, you have to use delimited
> identifiers in ADQL queries, and delimited identifiers prevent the
> (about as unfortunate) case folding SQL has almost everywhere else.
> Hence, rr.res_table is close to useless with the largest TAP service
> on the planet.  The only reason nobody noticed is that most everyone
> is turning to GloTS for this kind of thing.  But as you know I've
> been trying to wean people off the non-standard GloTS for ages, at
> one of these days it'll have to happen.
> I can't quite say any more why I would have required case
> normalisation in table_name; I probably figured "it's machine
> readable, and SQLs folds case, so let's be consistent with almost
> everything else machine-readable in RegTAP".
> I suppose if I wrote this again I'd say "lowercase regular
> identifiers, leave SQL delimited identifiers alone".  However, that
> still wouldn't fix things right now because VizieR doesn't include
> quotes in their VODataService table names just yet.
> But I'd like to have a fix about now in order to make my get_tables()
> method useful when the pyvo PR goes in.  And the baroque
> normalisation rules of SQL are a bit too much for an Erratum anyway
> Also, we are now a lot more explicit that the content of table/name
> must be exactly as it should be used in TAP, and so there's really no
> reason for any more normalisation.  Hence... How would people feel if
> I wrote a RegTAP erratum to the effect:
>   In section 8.6, from the sentence: “The following columns MUST be
>   lowercased during ingestion: ivoid, table_name, table_type,
>   table_utype.” remove “table_name”.  That is, with this erratum,
>   table_name is ingested literally.
> I think that won't break anything operationally; if anyone had relied
> on these table names, they'd have noticed it's broken with many
> VizieR tables, I suppose.  And less case folding is always a gain.
> Of course, I'll provide lots of rationale and impact assessment, but
> before going into the trouble, I'd be grateful for encouraging and/or
> dissenting voices.
> Thanks,
>             Markus
> PS: I'm taking the liberty of trying this out on and then
> starting in an hour or so; that's how confident I am
> that this is a bona fide improvement with very little risk of
> breaking things.
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