RFC for RegTAP 1.1, June-July 2019

Theresa Dower dower at stsci.edu
Mon Jun 3 17:10:20 CEST 2019


After discussion across several working groups at the 2019 May Paris Interop, we've determined the RegTAP 1.1 standard is ready for RFC. We would like to run this for (a little over) 6 weeks, ending 31 July. The RFC page contains details on the two existing reference implementations and validation support, as well as an introduction to the standard and the main changes from 1.0. That page is: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/RegTAP11RFC


Markus Demleitner as the editor, and the Registry working group (among others, as it pertains to discovering and using secured services) appreciate the work folks have already put into this and welcome your feedback.


--Theresa Dower, for Registry
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