RegTAP-1.1 & ADQL-2.1 - the ILIKE concerns

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Mon Aug 12 10:10:14 CEST 2019

Dear Colleagues,

[Reformatting a bit towards inline quoting, which I'd still highly
prefer, as it makes responses (and reading) quite a bit simpler]

> On Thu, 8 Aug 2019, Molinaro, Marco wrote:
> > As things currently stand, there's the risk RegTAP controls ADQL behaviour
> > of ILIKE or that ADQL can break RegTAP when/if changing ILIKE definition.
> >
> > Proposed solution is to re-instate the ivo_nocasematch in RegTAP,
> > decoupling the specifications and releasing the two issues above in one
> > shot.
> >
> From: Mark Taylor <M.B.Taylor at>
> Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 5:02:12 AM
> To: Molinaro, Marco
> I am all in favour of your suggestion.  As far as I can see the move
> to ILIKE in RegTAP is really just a bit of tidying up that can harmlessly
> be omitted or deferred if the interaction with ADQL 2.1 is potentially
> problematic (which it seems it may be).  I'm not aware that ILIKE does
> anything that ivo_nocasematch does not.  From an implementation point

Ok -- I can't say I'm overly happy that once ADQL 2.1 is there,
there'll be two pieces of syntax that are essentially guaranteed to
do the same thing within what ADQL can guarantee in the first place,
but it's a minor thing overall, and I give you it's a bit awkward
to cite a standard that's still under consideration.

So, I've backed out of requiring ILIKE in RegTAP 1.1 in volute rev
5570 (diff below).  I still couldn't resist the following language:

  Columns intended for presentation are not case-normalised.  When
  matching against these, queries should use case-insensitive matching,
  for which this specification offers the \verb|ivo_nocasematch| user
  defined function.  ADQL 2.1 is expected to offer an ILIKE operator,
  which may be used instead.

Can everyone live with that?

On Fri, Aug 09, 2019 at 02:22:24PM +0000, Theresa Dower wrote:
> As Reg chair, I know the voting dates for this remain undefined; we
> were hoping for a quick tally with the comments and bringing it up
> for TCG/Exec approval in November. Once the document reflects a
> general agreement on this issue, I'll formally set those dates and
> ask again for input. It seems very likely we can still make that
> deadline.

Well, the reviews from Apps, DAL, DM, and GWS are still out.  I'll
work on the comments from Semantics and Ops some time this week and
then send out a reminder to the TCG.  Let's see where that gets us by
early September.

        -- Markus

And here's the full diff of the change:

--- RegTAP.tex	(revision 5569)
+++ RegTAP.tex	(working copy)
@@ -198,10 +198,7 @@
 \item[ADQL \citep{2008ivoa.spec.1030O}] The rules for ingestion are designed to allow
 easy queries given the constraints of the IVOA Astronomical Data Query
 Language.  Also, we give four functions that extend ADQL using the
-language's built-in facility for user-defined functions.  RegTAP
-1.1 requires the ILIKE operator as it will be specified by ADQL 2.1 
-on the server side.  While ADQL 2.1 is not yet a recommendation, the
-ILIKE operator is uncontenious and will certainly be part of ADQL 2.1.
+language's built-in facility for user-defined functions.
@@ -348,13 +345,13 @@
-ADQL 2.0 had no operators for case-insensitive matching of strings.
-Therefore, RegTAP 1.0 required that most columns
+ADQL 2.0 has no operators for case-insensitive matching of strings.
+Mainly for this reason, RegTAP 1.0 required that most columns
 containing values not usually intended for display to be
-converted to lower case on ingestion.  Even though ADQL 2.1 now offers
-ILIKE, in the interest of backwards compatibility (as well as
-implementation simplicity), RegTAP 1.1 does not change these
+converted to lower case on ingestion.  This also somewhat reduces the
+likelihood that matches are missed because of different capitalisation,
+since queries disregarding capitalisation variations will yield empty
+(rather than partial) results.  
 In the table descriptions below, there are
 explicit requirements on case normalization near the end of each
@@ -376,7 +373,13 @@
 the ASCII letters without regard for case.  They SHOULD compare according
 to D144 in the Unicode Standard.
+Columns intended for presentation are not case-normalised.  When
+matching against these, queries should use case-insensitive matching,
+for which this specification offers the \verb|ivo_nocasematch| user
+defined function.  ADQL 2.1 is expected to offer an ILIKE operator,
+which may be used instead.
 \subsection{Non-ASCII characters}
@@ -1145,7 +1148,7 @@
 Clients are advised to query the remaining columns, in particular
-case-insensitively, e.g., using \texttt{ILIKE}.
+case-insensitively, e.g., using \verb|ivo_nocasematch|.
 \subsection{The res\_subject Table}
@@ -1194,7 +1197,7 @@
 The \rtent{ivoid} column MUST be lowercased during
 ingestion.  Clients are advised to query the \rtent{res\_subject} column
-case-insensitively, e.g., using \texttt{ILIKE}.
+case-insensitively, e.g., using \verb|ivo_nocasematch|.
 The content of incoming \vorent{subject} 
 elements may be normalized according to the rules laid down in
@@ -2114,7 +2117,7 @@
 will likely break the data.  In order to avoid having to give and
 implement case normalization rules by detail xpath, no case normalization 
 is done on detail values at all, and users and clients will have to use
-ILIKE when locating
+\verb|ivo_nocasematch| when locating
 case-insensitive values.  For the resource xpaths given in Appendix \ref{d_u_list}, this concerns all items with xpaths ending
 in \texttt{@ivo-id}.
@@ -2175,11 +2178,11 @@
 at least the columns
 \rtent{detail\_xpath} and \rtent{detail\_value}, where the
 index on \rtent{detail\_value} should ideally work for both direct
-comparisons and searches using ILIKE.
+comparisons and searches using \verb|ivo_nocasematch|.
 The following column MUST be lowercased during ingestion:
 \rtent{ivoid}.  Clients are advised to
-use ILIKE to search in
+use \verb|ivo_nocasematch| to search in
 \rtent{detail\_value} if the values are to be compared
 case-insensitively (e.g., all IVOIDs).
@@ -2238,9 +2241,6 @@
 TAP Servers implementing the 
 \texttt{ivo://\#1.1} data model MUST implement
-ADQL 2.1, and they MUST implement
-the ILIKE operator as specified in ADQL 2.1 (which includes its
-declaration in their capabilities record).  They furthermore MUST
 implement the following four functions in their ADQL language,
 with signatures written as recommended in TAPRegExt \citep{2012ivoa.spec.0827D}:
@@ -2250,9 +2250,7 @@
 The function returns 1 if \texttt{pat}  matches
 \texttt{value}, 0 otherwise.
 \texttt{pat}  is defined as for the SQL LIKE operator, but the
-match is performed case-insensitively.  This function corresponds to
-the ADQL 2.1 ILIKE operator, which should be used in preference over
+match is performed case-insensitively.
 \term[\small\texttt{ivo\_hasword(haystack VARCHAR(*), needle VARCHAR(*)) -> INTEGER}]The function takes two strings and returns 1 if the second is
 contained in the first one in a ``word'' sense, i.e., delimited by
@@ -2384,7 +2382,7 @@
 WHERE standard_id like 'ivo://'
   AND intf_role='std'
   AND (
-    res_subject ILIKE '%spiral%'
+    1=ivo_nocasematch(res_subject, '%spiral%')
     OR 1=ivo_hasword(res_description, 'spiral')
     OR 1=ivo_hasword(res_title, 'spiral'))
@@ -2481,7 +2479,7 @@
 SELECT ivoid 
 FROM rr.res_role
-WHERE role_name ILIKE '%gavo%'
+WHERE 1=ivo_nocasematch(role_name, '%gavo%')
   AND base_role='publisher'
@@ -2517,7 +2515,7 @@
   WHERE detail_xpath='/managedAuthority' 
     AND ivoid='ivo://cds.vizier/registry') 
   AS authpatterns
-ON (resource.ivoid ILIKE authpatterns.pat)
+ON 1=ivo_nocasematch(resource.ivoid, authpatterns.pat)
 \subsection{Locate RegTAP services}
@@ -2547,7 +2545,7 @@
 WHERE standard_id LIKE 'ivo://'
   AND intf_role='std'
   AND detail_xpath='/capability/dataModel/@ivo-id'
-  AND detail_value ILIKE 'ivo://'
+  AND 1=ivo_nocasematch(detail_value, 'ivo://')
   AND authenticated_only=0
@@ -2878,6 +2876,16 @@
 \section{Changes from Previous Versions}
+\subsection{Changes in RFC}
+This is a temporary section to be removed once we move to REC.\todo{Do
+\item Backing out of the requirement that servers support ADQL 2.1
+draft's ILIKE.
 \subsection{Changes from REC-1.0}
@@ -2907,8 +2915,6 @@
 workaround from RegTAP 1.0 is no longer necessary.
 \item Now requiring that services map deprecated vocabulary terms to
 preferred ones.
-\item Now requiring ADQL 2.1, and requiring the provision of ILIKE, and
-discouraging legacy \verb|ivo_nocase_match|.
 \item Now requiring the data model URI as the utype of the \rtent{rr} schema.
 \item No longer claiming that RegTAP services do not use the 
 \xmlel{vg:registry} resource type any more, instead referring to RI 1.1.

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