VOResource 1.1 implementation

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Mar 1 10:20:42 CET 2018

Hi Registry, hi Semantics,

In the context of VOResource, we have four vocabulary files.  While
the thing isn't REC yet, it would be great to have them at their
final destination already.  Theresa just stepped into that trap

On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 06:12:13PM +0000, Theresa Dower wrote:
> In the interest of not losing momentum on this I've had a chance to
> play around with some of the proposed changes today, with the test
> ST registry running on Microsoft IIS and MSSQL server, having
> RegTAP, OAI, and non-standard search endpoints.
> * The RDF file linked in voresource doesn't exist at the given URL
>   so I haven't looked at that yet, but freetext date/roles are fine
>   in our architecture; we do not test against a controlled
>   vocabulary.

I suppose that's a general issue, and it would be great if we had a
policy for this.  I'd say: when a standard goes to PR, the associated
vocabulary files go up.  The odds that the PR will be pulled again is
small anyway, and well, yes, terms might still vanish at that point,
but I think that's, overall, the lesser evil versus not being able to
try implementations without a lot of fudging.

What do you think?  Can we just go ahead and upload our vocabularies
to ivoa.net?  Perhaps as a test case for now?

     -- Markus

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