[HiPS] HiPS news - call to keep up-to-date HiPS lists

Pierre Fernique Pierre.Fernique at astro.unistra.fr
Fri Apr 20 12:18:28 CEST 2018

Dear Apps (and HiPS) contributors (copy to registry group)

Just a short mail to announce that *a new HiPS node is available since a 
few days at IPAC*.
Here the list of HiPS already provided by this new node => 
This list has been already aggregated by the MocServer system, and thus, 
available for any aware clients (Aladin Desktop notably)

There are presently 18 public HiPS nodes (see below) and one more in 
preparation at the Chilean Virtual Observatory (ChiVO)
Only a few of them are correctly registered in the VO registry (cf. IVOA 
HiPS REC section 5 -page 20 => http://www.ivoa.net/documents/HiPS)

*May I also encourage each HiPS node manager to maintain up-to-date his 
HiPS list* (I bring your attention notably on the 4 HiPS nodes at the 
end of this list, which are publishing a 2 year old HiPS list. Leiden 
AMIGA and svo.cab only provide one or two HiPS, so could be ok, but I 
suspect that ESAC provides new HiPS since this date, or ?)

Pierre Fernique

Origin 	Last update 	Type 	Hips list URL
SSC 	20/04/2018 	image	http://saada.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/hipslist
CDS 	20/04/2018 	image,cube	http://alasky.unistra.fr/hipslist
CDS 	20/04/2018 	image,cube	http://alaskybis.unistra.fr/hipslist
CDS 	20/04/2018 	image,cube	https://alaskybis.unistra.fr/hipslist
CDS 	20/04/2018 	catalog	http://axel.u-strasbg.fr/HiPSCatService/hiplist
JAXA 	20/04/2018 	image,catalog 
IPAC 	19/04/2018 	image	http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/hips/list
China-VO 	19/03/2018 	image	http://hips.china-vo.org/hipslist
HEASARC 	26/01/2018 	image	https://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/hips/skyview.hips
IRAP 	17/01/2018 	image 
CADC 	16/01/2018 	image	http://hips.canfar.net/hipslist.txt
CADC 	16/01/2018 	image	http://hips2.canfar.net/hipslist.txt
ANU 	20/11/2017 	image	http://skymapper.anu.edu.au/_HiPS/hipslist.txt
IAS 	29/03/2017 	image	http://healpix.ias.u-psud.fr/hipslist
ESAC 	29/07/2016 	image	http://skies.esac.esa.int/hipslist
Leiden 	27/05/2016 	image,catalog 
AMIGA 	22/04/2016 		http://amiga.iaa.es/hipslist
svo.cab 	04/03/2016 	image	http://gtc.sdc.cab.inta-csic.es/hips/hipslist

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