Can an SIA service support both V1 and V2?

Marco Molinaro marco.molinaro at
Fri Apr 13 08:09:55 CEST 2018

Dear Tom,
(I add CC registry, given your final question)

2018-04-12 22:34 GMT+02:00 Tom McGlynn (NASA/GSFC Code 660.1) <tom.mcglynn@>:

> While the versioning of SIAv2 suggests that it is not compatible with
> SIAv1, there
> is a difference between not being compatible and being incompatible.
> I.e., you're
> required to support and return different things from the two services, but
> suppose one
> has a service which supports the union of required inputs and outputs from
> both versions?
> Is that possible?

In my personal opinion it's possible.
I'm not sure that I'll go that way, but I don't think there's something
preventing it.
The idea of multiple major versions, moreover, has never been really
(caveat: I may be wrong here).

> At the HEASARC we are looking at releasing our first SIAv2 services and,
> initially
> at least, our thought is that we can release these services so that they
> support both V1 and V2.
> I.e., they would support the the syntax of the inputs from both V1 and V2
> and they would
> return all required columns for both V1 and V2 responses.  The later is
> made a little
> easier since V1 used UCD's to specify the required columns, while V2 uses
> UTypes.
> So we can mark a single column for both services.

My concern here is that, doing so, you sort of prevent standard current UCDs
be attached to fields that need to have "VOX" UCDs to be identified.
In a sense you may not make a favor to those who may want to save the
VOTable for later use.
In short: it's true you can separate:
- v1 -- UCD
- v2 -- utype
but it doesn't sound great in terms of field annnotations.

> Of course there are lots of things that V2 requires that V1 does not in
> terms of input parameters,
> but there is nothing in the V1 standard that precludes such additional
> parameters.
> So I was trying to understand if there are any concrete incompatibilities
> between the two services,
> i.e., a case where one requires A and the other forbids A or somethign
> similar.  Does anyone have any thoughts
> on this?  It seems like if we can support both interfaces -- and the only
> cost is some extra columns in the output --
> that we should try to do it.

I'll be happy if you can bring this view in Victoria.
I think it's definitely a thing worth discussing.

> By the by, there are at least two potential ways one could envisage our
> approaching this.  We could try to recognize
> whether we are being called by a V1 or V2 service by the syntax of the
> input arguments and then return an appropriately
> formatted response.  But we've done something a little different. We've
> created a service which accepts both V1 and V2 inputs
> and returns an output that is acceptable to both standards.
> One thing that I am unable to wrap my mind around is how this gets put in
> the registry.  Do we just
> register two capabilities using the same base URL?

And here is registry field.
>From my poor knowledge I would say "yes", but I leave word to registry

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