Discovering Data Collections RFC

Marco Molinaro molinaro at
Thu Mar 2 15:33:47 CET 2017

Hi Markus,
I was reading the PEN before your RFC announcement.
I took the chance for committing a couple of typos.

I have a doubt: starting of Sec. 2.1.2 confuses me w.r.t.
Sec. 2.4, Data model discovery subsection, when speaking of
the capability xsi:type.

Considering that models will hopefully start to get attached to
collections I'm not sure I agree with or understand the last
sentence in §2.4.

I agree that data models apply to data collections, but letting
that declaration fall off the service descriptor looks a bit strange,
also considering the statement

"data models are characteristics for service enumeration and not
for data discovery"

In short: apologizing if this has already been discusses previously,
can you expand a bit on this point?


2017-03-01 16:14 GMT+01:00 Markus Demleitner <msdemlei at>:
> Dear IVOA,
> Both as a second test run for the Endorsed Note process and as a
> solution for data discovery in the age of large TAP services, as
> chair of the Registry WG I invite the general public as well as the
> TCG to review the proposed endorsed note
> Discovering Data Collections Within Services
> available from
>  Your
> comments are welcome on the RFC page
> Questions likely to raise longer discussions are welcome on the
> Registry mailing list, too.
> It is version 1.1 as version 1.0 has been a normal IVOA Note,
> published in January 2016.
> The formal RFC period is six weeks and will thus end on 2017-04-12.
> While we will probably accept late comments until the Shanghai
> interop, as always we are particularly grateful for comments during
> the RFC period proper.
> Thanks,
>         Markus Demleitner

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