Featherweight Publishing Registries

Walter Landry wlandry at caltech.edu
Tue Oct 25 16:49:33 CEST 2016

Markus Demleitner wrote:
> Essentially, the data providers would submit a URL purx pulls a
> resource record from, and after validation, purx puts this record
> into is ivo_managed resource records, so regular OAI-PMH harvesters
> will find it.  Purx then will, once a day or so, check if anything
> has changed on the remote side, and if so, re-download the record and
> push it out to incremental harvesters.  If the record becomes
> invalid, mails will be sent to the contact person in the registry
> record, if it vanishes, a deleted record will be pushed out by purx.

STSCI already runs something like this.  You can submit records for
them to put in their publishing registry.  We tried it for a while,
but it did not work for a site the size of IRSA.

Walter Landry

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