VOResource new working draft

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Oct 10 14:29:14 CEST 2016

Dear Registry community,

I've just submitted 2016-10-10 working draft for VOResource,
encompassing the changes resulting from discussions at and since
Stellenbosch; summarising the change log, here is a list of relevant
content changes:

* relationship_type vocabulary: deprecating VOResource 1.0 terms,
  adding IsServiceFor and friends.

* Now using owl:equivalentProperty in vocabularies.

* Changed some misleading schema annotation about VOResource 
  being based on RM from 2002.

* Added a section on natural language use (essentially saying to use
  latin transliterations)

* validatedBy is now xs:anyURI in concordance with the discussion
  about identifiers.

* Added a @title attribute for mirrorURL.

* mirrorURL is xs:anyURI rather than vr:AccessURL.

* Added a mirrorURL element.

If you want to see all the changes, do a checkout of 


and say

$ svn diff -r 3355 VOResource.tex

Until the document is up in the document repository, there's a
rendered version on http://docs.g-vo.org/VOResource.pdf

It would be great if people could review the changes and the document
in the run-up to Trieste; I would hope that we can move to PR in a
reasonable time after the Interop.

Major open topics I still see are

* simple in-record referencing (that's the "linking table and
  capability metadata" use case from CDS)
* should we copy DataCite contributerType?
* altIdentifiers: do we need an explicit @type attribute or is the
  scheme from the URL enough?
* What about "should be drawn from the IAU Thesaurus" on subject?
* Explicit license URIs?
* Include an option for a Teaser picture?

At least these I'd bring up in our session in Trieste.  If you have
more: I guess we can accomodate a couple of additional talks in that

      -- Markus

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