SimpleDALRegExt 1.1 WD

Mark Taylor M.B.Taylor at
Mon Jun 13 11:58:10 CEST 2016


On Tue, 7 Jun 2016, Markus Demleitner wrote:

> Dear Registry,
> I completely forgot to announce here the availability of the
> SimpleDALRegExt 1.1 working draft at
> I'd like to move to RFC fairly quicky (the minimal WG review time
> expires early July, so that's what I'm heading for).  If you've not
> had a look during internal WG review, I'd appreciate if you could do
> so now.  If you've had a look at the internal WD, there's little
> that's changed:

Some minor, and not-particularly-well-informed, suggestions:

   "... the four fundamental data access protocols - SCS, SIA, SSA, SLA"
   I'm not sure that fundamental is the best way to describe them,
   especially post-TAP.  Replace "fundamental" by "simple" or
   "first generation"?  Or just use the list of names without further

Sec 2:
   The Note about how "many clients discover the standard endpoints..."
   is useful.  Could it be accompanied by a note or discussion about
   what the recommended way to do that is?

Sec 3.3.6:
   This section declares itself to be a temporary measure for services
   deployed prior to the SSA Recommendation (presumably SSA 1.03,
   Dec 2007?).  Should it be retired or deprecated now?

Appendix B.1:
   Heading is "Changes from PR-1.0" - I think that should be REC-1.0.

Also, there are some funny quote characters (U+201E?) in the LaTeX

   % grep indicating.the.largest SimpleDALRegExt.tex
                          is „Cutout” or „Mosaic”, indicating the largest 
                          is „Cutout” or „Mosaic”, indicating the largest 
is there any reason?


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-9288776

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