TAPRegExt WD 1.1

François Bonnarel francois.bonnarel at astro.unistra.fr
Thu Nov 19 16:25:40 CET 2015

Hi Markus,
     This sounds a very reasonable plan.
Le 19/11/2015 10:16, Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> Dear Colleagues,
> [cc: registry, as it's a RegExt; I'd suggest to keep discussion on
> dal]
> After the internal working draft from before Sydney went through with
> only minor comments (thanks to all who have provided input!), I've now
> submitted a WD for version 1.1, which is now in the document
> repository at
> http://ivoa.net/documents/TAPRegExt/20151117/
> In case you missed the last announcement: TAPRegExt 1.1 will
> accompany TAP 1.1; the major change is that the standardID of the
> capability defined is no longer fixed.
> My current plan is to let the WD sit until TAP 1.1 comes around and
> it's clear no additional requirements towards TAPRegExt turn up
> there.  Once TAP 1.1 is ready for PR, I'd push TAPRegExt 1.1 ahead in
> unison.
> Agreed?
> Cheers,
>            Markus
> PS: For reference, here's the full change log from the doc:
> * No longer restricting TableAccess' standardID to the (old) TAP
>    standardID. TAPRegExt capabilities are now allowed with arbitrary
>    standardIDs
> * Changed former use of the term "IVORN" to "IVOID" (or Registry
>    part, as appropriate) to comply with a proposed clarification of
>    terminology in Identifiers 2.0
> * The example now shows an entire capabilities response
> * Repaired obscore data model URI in the example
> * dataModel/@ivo-id is now typed xs:anyURI to allow fragment
>    identifiers on it
> * Migrated to ivoatex

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