Wiki renovation

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Wed Oct 29 12:00:18 CET 2014

Dear RWG,

remembering how confused I was when I first dug into what the IVOA
wiki has on Registry, I felt we should do some cleanup.

I've started on one, first, by streamlining our Wiki page (the one
that's pointed at in the sidebar); essentially, I'm trying to not
embed information that's available elsewhere but instead link to it
in order to increase the chances of the information being current.
Also, I'd hope to reduce the maintenance effort.  The result is on 

-- you can review my changes on

Feel free to undo anything or improve the page in other ways.

At the bottom of the page there's been for a long while a list of
"deprecated" pages, and I've added one or two page to that list this
time around.

Now, unfortunately, when people end up directly on one of these
pages, they wouldn't notice, and it's not entirely clear what
"deprecation" means for Wiki pages.  So, I took the liberty of
putting up a big "out of date" warning on all of these pages.  That's
at least a stopgap measure for people coming in through search
engines and the like, but frankly I'm still not happy.

I can see that it may be useful to look at how things were conceived
more than ten years ago, but keeping all these pages around with, at
best, confusing information for relatively rare cases of historical
introspection doesn't seem wise to me.

Can't we just put some boilerplate text there -- suggestion:

"The content of this page was outdated, and it was no longer
maintained.  See [[IvoaResReg]] for current information or this
page's history for what was discussed here"

-- and have a much less confusing twiki at least in Registry?  As the
proposed text already says, the information isn't lost, but people
will realize that what they're looking at is history.

Incidentally, there's a few more pages with questionable content when
you go to and
look for Registry -- well, curation is a neverending job...



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