Identifiers 2.0 WD

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at
Fri Dec 12 17:41:56 CET 2014

Dear Registry activists,

As promised in Banff, here's a first internal working draft for
version 2.0 of our Identifiers specification.  Its purpose of the new
version is twofold:

(1) throw out some ancient stuff (XML form of identifiers,
speculation on how our Registry Interfaces spec might eventually look
like) -- this is what I consider the incompatible change that makes
this 2.0.

(2) create a place where strong advice on special IVORN forms can 
sensibly be kept.  For now, this concerns standard ids and dataset ids.

I've put a rendered PDF to, but
I really recommend checking out the source from
(or the http equivalent if you want to remain as anonymous as Google
will let you) and building yourself (which will let you make an HTML
version, too, if you prefer that; see ivoatex/README).

Please comment, protest, or contribute in whatever way you see fit.
Unless there is major strife about this, I'd do another redaction in
late January and then go for public working draft in February with
the intention of getting this to PR by Sesto.



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