Registry harvesting frequency

Mark Taylor m.b.taylor at
Tue May 29 05:25:09 PDT 2012

My opinion: harvesting once a day is quite sufficient, once a week is
not too bad.  Yes it would be even nicer if all changes showed up in
all registries instantly, and if particular registry implementations
find it convenient to harvest multiple times a day let them do so, 
but it doesn't seem to me a serious problem if publishers have to
wait a bit for resource propagation.  Given the pull-model
of harvesting it is not feasible that propagation is instant, so
publishers who check a foreign registry as soon as they have
published on a local one are bound to be disappointed anyway
(and I certainly don't think this issue warrants a major architectural
change).  On the timescale of preparing and registering a data service,
an extra day or two, even a week, is not a long time.

I am neither a data publisher nor a registry operator, so I don't have
any special insight into this, but in my opinion it is not one of the
more pressing issues facing VO registries.


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-928-8776

On Mon, 28 May 2012, Petr Skoda wrote:

> Dear all
> Thank you very much for the prompt action of Christophe - now the record is
> same in all registries seen in VOSPEC and SPLAT. So my personal needs are
> fulfilled for the moment.
> However, with the little doubt I suggest to consideration for the whole
> registry WG following:
> Do you think that even the update every day is enough for the DYNAMIC servis
> on which depends all the VO functionality ?
> If I take the analogy with DNS - after I connect new computer to the internet
> - do you think that the people would like to wait several hours (or days)
> before seeing their computer on-line ?
> Why the server  coud not just check the changes in other registries and just
> update the records on a much shorter interval ?
> I suppose the enthusiastic model of VO publishing ;-)
> When someone goes through the filling of form (and succeeds) to publish the
> service, he will be eager to see his fresh new service everywhere to check
> immediately different applications etc ... He will probably need to show the
> service to other people (with great proud - look at my new archive ;-)
> And IF he is forced to wait several days (even hours) to see the impact -
> it is very discouraging and does not help to advertise the VO in the eyes of
> advanced astronomers (who will register with proud their small collections) as
> the modern dynamic global infrastructure.
> Maybe I am too naive - but in my opinion the current registry handling is
> insufficient regarding the role it playes for success of all VO.
> That said I would like to encourage people to publish small data sets (mainly
> spectra from smaller telecopes) in VO by emphasising the world-wide
> visibility" of their observatory - i.e. "if you make your archive VO
> compatible and register it, in few minutes all the world is going to query
> your archive "
> I think the success of penetration of VO in everyday astronomy (or common
> goal) is composed from small issues with huge synergic effect. And the
> seamless functionality (and easiness) of the registration process is one of
> those.
> Please reply as well to cc: to skoda at
> I am not subscribing registry WG matters and so far I was not interested in
> registries as I supposed they work seamlessly but to be honest I was shocked
> by disclosure of the real state ;-)
> this is reply from Christophe:
> > Dear all
> > Following Petr's comment on Thursday, I confirm that the Euro-VO Registry is
> > harvesting the VAO Registry once a week. We've re-run the harvesting
> > procedure this (European) morning, so Petr's services that he registered in
> > the VAO Registry should appear in VOSpec now (which is looking at the
> > Euro-VO Registry).
> > Harvesting once a week was felt sufficient so far but we're now looking
> > at the possibility to run it every day
> *************************************************************************
> *  Petr Skoda                         Phone : +420-323-649201, ext. 361 *
> *  Stellar Department                         +420-323-620361           *
> *  Astronomical Institute AS CR       Fax   : +420-323-620250           *
> *  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
> *  Czech Republic                                                       *
> *************************************************************************

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