conventions for registering collections

Gretchen Greene greene at
Wed May 2 11:50:44 PDT 2012

Hi Markus,

This would be great,  looking forward to hearing more on the GAVO status.

The second registry session is most related to this topic,  can I pencil you in (if anybody remembers that phrase) on Thursday Reg 2 in the 14:00-15:30 time range?

From: registry-bounces at [registry-bounces at] on behalf of Markus Demleitner [msdemlei at]
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 4:53 AM
To: registry at
Subject: Re: conventions for registering collections

Dear Reg-List,

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 07:26:05PM +0100, Andy Lawrence wrote:
> I should add that I am resisting a surge of nostalgia for VO
> Explorer, which of course is not supported anymore. I spent some
Let me put a strong *+1* on this.  There are so many VO tasks that
really *need* a solid and preferably local registry interface that I
wish VO Explorer development would commence about twice a week.

> reasonably far along, but just as you imply, the limiting factor
> was the quality and consistency of the information in registry
> entries.
...which of course mainly is a function of the VO registry metadata
actually being used for more than matching standardIDs, which of
course is a function of providing useful interfaces, which makes this
the second time this week I'm longing for a reinvigorated VO

> On 30 Apr 2012, at 18:33, Ray Plante wrote:
> In Naples, I believe it was, Markus gave a presentation that proposed
> a "best practice" for registering data to the registry.  Based on my
> Therefore, I would like to propose that we put the topic on the RWG
> agenda in Urbana, and I would like to nominate Markus to reprise
> and/or revise his presentation.  Given that he presented this before,
> it might be good to get some pre-discussion going before then.

I'm flattered people still remember the talk, and of course I'd be
happy to give it again in a slightly updated fashion.  With the
number of TAP services rising and ObsCore being a recommendation,
registering data collections and declaring how to access them
certainly is quite a topical issue.

As an update to the talk (and reacting the the question about toolkit
support), I can already promise a slide that says how DaCHS lets you
declare all this.



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