StandardsRegExt: links to schemas

Ray Plante rplante at
Mon Feb 27 10:04:05 PST 2012

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012, Christophe Arviset wrote:
> I would propose to address these comments about the procedure at the TCG
> teleconf tomorrow afternoon.
> My view would be that if Ray (author), Gretchen (Reg WG chair) and Mark agree
> and believe that this helps the reading and understanding of the document
> without being a major change and considering that Ray put this to the Reg WG
> mailing list, I would be ready to accept these changes at this later stage.

That would be helpful.  I am prepared (i.e. documents are ready) to go 
in either direction as the TCG sees fit.  

For the record, I support the late changes.  


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