StandardsRegExt: links to schemas

Christophe Arviset Christophe.Arviset at
Mon Feb 27 08:55:50 PST 2012


On 20/02/2012 12:12 PM, Ray Plante wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> On Mon, 20 Feb 2012, Mark Taylor wrote:
>> However, introducing new functionality at the TCG review stage
>> is by my reading contrary to the document review process as currently
>> formalized in the DocStd document, and it means there will have been
>> no IVOA-wide review of this part of the standard.
> This is indeed what I wanted to hear someone say.  I wanted to be
> responsive to all TCG comments; however, it certainly did feel like we
> were crossing a line.  Nevertheless, the revision is helpful:  not
> only does it demonstate that the suggestion is more than a trivial
> change, it shows what a subsequent, post-REC update could look like.
> Other opinions from the TCG?

I would propose to address these comments about the procedure at the TCG 
teleconf tomorrow afternoon.

My view would be that if Ray (author), Gretchen (Reg WG chair) and Mark 
agree and believe that this helps the reading and understanding of the 
document without being a major change and considering that Ray put this 
to the Reg WG mailing list, I would be ready to accept these changes at 
this later stage.



>> If the main use case is, as you say, human discovery of the schemas,
>> it doesn't seem to add all that much benefit, since for a human making
>> use of such a registry record, the cost of the additional step of
>> indirecting via the human-readable standard document itself is likely
>> to be low compared with whatever use is being made of it
>> (e.g. trying to understand what it means and how to use it).
> This is a reasonable argument.  I might offer that a human that
> encounters a rendering of the record such as this one:
> (which doesn't actually define a schema; that is, an autogenerated,
> human-readable rendering of the record) and perhaps who is not
> completely ignorant of the context of the standard might appreciate
> seeing a link to the schema file and associated examples.
> thanks,
> Ray

Thanks in advance



Christophe ARVISET                       Christophe.Arviset at

Head of the Science Archives and Computer Support Engineering Unit
Science Operations Department
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
European Space Agency (ESA)

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