StandardsRegExt: links to schemas

Ray Plante rplante at
Mon Feb 20 07:14:21 PST 2012

Hi Mark,

(Note that as a registry "insider", I'm more ready to accept to accept 
your "outsider" opinion than my own, so this discussion is meant to 
tease out the essentials.)

On Mon, 20 Feb 2012, Mark Taylor wrote:
> I'm a bit confused then (quite common when I'm discussing topics
> with the word "schema" in).  What schema(s) would be referenced
> in a registry record like this?  As you say this standard doesn't 
> define a schema.  

Imagine a stylesheet-rendered version of the example given in section 
3.1.1, the record for the StandardsRegExt standard which includes the 
links to the schema and examples.  

> The examples are very useful, but given that, they
> should be (and in this case are) in the human-readable standard 
> document, or at least linked from it.
> Further, it's much easier to give context to the examples if they
> are approached from the human-readable document than simply referenced
> from a registry record.

These schemas and examples embedded in the spec documents have not 
typically been available as links to separate, electronic versions, 
but I suppose they could have.  

That said, I get your point that the there is not necessarily a strong 
need to add links to schemas and examples in the record, particularly 
at this time in the review process.  


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