Registry IVOA Interop sessions - NCSA Spring meeting

Gretchen Greene greene at
Mon Apr 23 12:33:41 PDT 2012

Hi Registry WG'rs,

The next IVOA meeting,  May 21-25, 2012 will be hosted at NCSA

In summary over this past few months the StandardsRegExt was approved by the TCG working group and submitted for Exec approval.  At this meeting we would like to rekindle discussions on the registry data model work (infrastructure) and registry interface standards implementation.

We have 2 main registry sessions and a 3rd shared session with DAL/Theory groups with the following schedule and proposed topics for discussion.  Note, i have not indicated where discussion of the Applications Reg Extension would fit, yet would encourage those participating in the Applications area to provide feedback in interest of possible discussion.

Registry Session 1:  Tuesday 14:00-15:30
 * TOPICS to include standards,  infrastructure,  and registry interface

DAL/Theory/Registry Session: Wednesday 14:00-15:30
 * Integrating metadata descriptions across IVOA architecture standards areas,  interfaces between architecture elements

Registy Session 3:  Thursday 11:30-13:00
 * Registry publishing,  validation and curation, Apps

Participation in these sessions includes invitation to present material or provide a demonstration of related topic.  If you would like to present a talk in these sessions,  please reply with the title and presenter(s) name(s).

Thank you,

Gretchen Greene (Registry WG Chair) & Pierre Le Sidaner (Registry Vice-Chair)
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