just a trouble in registry query (may be harvesting)

Pierre Le Sidaner pierre.lesidaner at obspm.fr
Wed Feb 9 06:40:44 PST 2011

Le 09/02/2011 15:31, Mark Taylor a écrit :
> On Wed, 9 Feb 2011, Pierre Le Sidaner wrote:
>> Le 09/02/2011 11:29, Mark Taylor a écrit :
>>> On Wed, 9 Feb 2011, Pierre Le Sidaner wrote:
>>>> Dear all
>>>> I am currently working on exoplanet catalog of the obs, trying to make
>>>> cross
>>>> correlation with other catalogs using topcat
>>>> searching in the esac registry interface i find the nasa exoplanet catalog
>>>> http://esavo.esa.int/registry/result.jsp?searchMethod=GetResource&identifier=ivo://nasa.heasarc/exoplanets
>>>> also visible in the astrogrid registry
>>>> http://registry.astrogrid.org/astrogrid-registry/main/viewResourceEntry.jsp?IVORN=ivo%3A%2F%2Fnasa.heasarc%2Fexoplanets
>>>> but i am not able to find it in the nvo registry
>>>> Is it a harvesting problem or misunderstood in the use of the interface
>>> Pierre,
>>> the problem is with the NVO registry.  Its Registry Interface 1.0
>>> interface used to work, but it has been broken since mid-2010.
>>> Since RI is the only IVOA standard way to query registries, that
>>> is what TOPCAT uses, so at present all queries from TOPCAT to the
>>> NVO registry fail, reporting no resources found.  I reported this
>>> to NVO in August last year and the problem is acknowledged,
>>> but there has been no fix.
>>> Mark
>>> --
>>> Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
>>> m.b.taylor at bris.ac.uk +44-117-928-8776 http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/
>> Hi Mark
>> But using their web interface (http://nvo.stsci.edu/vor10/index.aspx) nothing
>> come on request
>> from keyword, from identifier ....
>> This resource doesn't seem to be harvested to nvo
>> The strange thing is that it's an american resource (usually registered in US)
>> Pierre
> Pierre,
> apologies, since you mentioned topcat I thought that was how you were
> querying the registry.  There must be a different problem if it's
> not appearing in the web interface either.
> Mark
> --
> Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
> m.b.taylor at bris.ac.uk +44-117-928-8776 http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/
Sorry for my non clear first message

I was using tomcat to play with the exoplanet catalog promote by 
observatoire de paris
To make some cross correlation I have used topcat facilities
Then the owner of the catalog asked me : what is this nasa catalog ?
I start to query informations from the NVO registry web interface and I 
didn't find it, and then I came to the others registries interface with 
more success.
  And then I wrote this email.

I hope it's more clear now

                            Pierre Le Sidaner
                         Observatoire de Paris

Division Informatique de l'Observatoire
Observatoire Virtuel 01 40 51 20 89
61, avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris

mailto:pierre.lesidaner at obspm.fr


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