DC&P schedule

Alberto Accomazzi aaccomazzi at cfa.harvard.edu
Sat Dec 4 12:41:07 PST 2010

Dear All,

I have just updated the schedule of the Data Curation and Preservation 
Session at Nara: 

As you can see I have listed people who have expressed an interest in 
discussing particular topics (in addition to me volunteering Ray ;-). 
Francoise, I haven't listed you as an official presenter but I'm sure 
you will have things you'd like to contribute.  Please let me know if 
you want to be added to the official schedule for a presentation.

Thanks, and safe travel to all.
-- Alberto

Dr. Alberto Accomazzi                  aaccomazzi(at)cfa harvard edu
Program Manager
NASA Astrophysics Data System                        ads.harvard.edu
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics      www.cfa.harvard.edu
60 Garden St, MS 83, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

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