New registry

Guy Rixon gtr at
Mon Mar 30 06:36:17 PDT 2009

Please see the IVOA registry of registries at


On 30 Mar 2009, at 09:45, Christopher Mountford wrote:

> I've just set up a registry for the UK swift data centre archives, is
> there a registry of registries that this needs to be added to?  
> According
> to the documentation for the astrogrid registry software we used to  
> set
> up the registry:
> Your HTTP-GET OAI url corresponding to Registry Interface version  
> 1.0 is:
> http://swiftsrv:8080/registry/OAIHandlerv1_0
> It suggests emailing this to registry at
> We currently only have a single resource (DSA catalogue) published in
> this registry, however we have a lot more catalogues as well as image,
> spectra and lightcurve data to add in the future.
> Thanks,
> Chris.
> ............................................................
> Dr. Christopher Mountford
> Swift System Administrator/Programmer,
> Department Of Physics And Astronomy,
> University Of Leicester.
> tel    0116 223 1781
> email  cjm14 at

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