Tree view of registry

Guy Rixon gtr at
Mon Nov 17 11:17:16 PST 2008

On 17 Nov 2008, at 18:51, Ray Plante wrote:

> On Mon, 17 Nov 2008, Guy Rixon wrote:
>> you will find a prototype of a new interface to a full registry: a  
>> tree view.
> Cool!  I like it.  This is a very nice protoype of ideas we could  
> incorporate into RI v2.0.
>> xpath=/curation
> This gave me a blank (all grey) page under Firefox 2.0.0.*.  Under  
> Firefox 3.0.1, the "wait" wheel continued to spin.  In both cases,  
> the XML was delievered, but there appearred to be a problem  
> applying the stylesheet.

Yep, mea culpa. I reused a stylesheet designed for whole resource- 
documents and didn't re-test with fragments. The stylesheet needs  
some work anyway to catch up with VODataService 1.1.


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