Review Interop Decisions

Ray Plante rplante at
Fri May 25 01:21:53 PDT 2007

Hi RWGers,

I've written a summary of the "decisions" we took at the Beijing meeting 
during our Registry sessions at  We recognized 
that there were several active WG members who could not attend the meeting 
and participate in the discussion.  For this reason, I do not want to 
consider these decisions as final until after one final review over 
email/twiki.  Please read over the summaries of each issue and edit the 
page to add any comments you may have in the space provided.

Most of the items are minor editing issues; however there are A FEW 
IMPORTANT ISSUES I WANT TO HIGHLIGHT.  At a minimum, please give feedback 
on these.

   4. Requiring the use of prefixes in xsi:type values -- we "tabled" this
      proposal for lack of consensus.  Assuming this is still the feeling,
      I would like to suggest we "recommend" this (rather than require it).

   8. VODataService: additional metadata to be added -- THIS REQUIRES
      CHANGES IN THE VODATASERVICE SCHEMA!  If we go through with this, we
      need to decide whether we should change the namespace URI (see twiki
      page for details).  Doing so would also require changing the schemas
      that depend on it (e.g. SIA, ConeSearch, SkyNode).  Not changing the
      URI may be justified since these are backward-compatible changes.

   9. Graininess and VOSI v1.1

  10. Pointing to table metadata using XLink -- this represents a
      solution that could be integrated into our current upgrad plans
      right away.  It could also result in additional backward-compatible
      changes to VODataService.

Please add your comments by 8 June 2007.


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