table metadata and the registry

Matthew Graham mjg at
Wed May 9 11:47:03 PDT 2007

> Now rewind.  Suppose the service provides a record that does not 
> explicitly include table metadata, but rather a pointer to it.  
> Registry A pulls the record over, and that is the record it manages, 
> and that is the record it sends to Registry B during harvesting.  But 
> Registry A also wants the table metadata, so it resolves the pointer 
> and ingests the metadata.  Furthermore, it inserts the table metadata 
> into the records it returns to users through the search interface.  A 
> is happy, B is happy. IVOA harmony ;-)
This is exactly what I suggested yesterday - have a link in the 
VOResource to the table metadata/data dictionary and handle them as 
separate components - so it gets my vote.



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