call for input to REG1 at IVOA

Ray Plante rplante at
Fri May 4 05:00:09 PDT 2007

Hi RWGers,

We are filling out our sessions at the IVOA meeting.  I'm currently 
looking for people who can provide short reports on progress and issues 
toward the upgrade of implementations to RI v1.0.  I'm hoping/expecting to 
hear from:

   Kevin Benson, AstroGrid
   Aurelien Stebe, ESA
   Matthew Graham, NVO: Carnivore
   Ray Plante, NVO: STSci/JHU, NCSA, RofR

If you are not listed above but would like to be, please let me know.

I will also be presenting some general assessments of the upgrade and the 


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