
Guy Rixon guyrixon at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 04:29:12 PDT 2007


I note that VOResource v0.10 has elementFormDefault="qualified" and  
VOResource v1.0 has changed to elementFormDefault="unqualified". This  
appears to mean that types in the schema have the schema's namespace  
but elements, both local and global, do not. E.g.


is illegal and should be


Further, this would mean that if I have, say, a document with a  
locally-defined <interface> and a <vr:Capability>, then I have to put  
the locally-defined <interface> into an explicit namespace as the  
IVOA one is using the name in the default namespace. This seems to be  
backwards to me: I'd expect the formal, IVOA definitions to be in  
their own namespace and the local, application-specific ones to be in  
the default namespace.

Can anybody confirm this, or am I doing something wrong?


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